How to Successfully Work From Home

#WFH always sounded like a ton of fun – jammies all day, tv on, and snacks snacks snacks! But boy that is not the case! Working from home requires an insane amount of self-discipline and motivation. I travel for work on a weekly basis so no two days for me are the same but for the days I am working out of my home office (or for the unforeseeable future for Seattleites), this is what works for me to stay focused –


Well duh, right? I’ve never been a “leave the tv on for background noise” type of person. I’m horrible at multitasking to tell you the truth. I believe in giving my full attention to one thing at a time instead of half a$$ing multiple things at once. Also, try leaving your personal phone in a separate room so you’re not spending half of your day scrolling through pics and online shopping. *guilty

Listen to music that doesn’t have words

If you aren’t the type that can sit in silence, listen to music that doesn’t have words. My Amazon Echo defaults to Smooth Jazz because of the number of times it’s played (secretly I’m a sucker for elevator music).

Designate an “office” space

Even if you don’t officially have a dedicated room, it’s important to separate your comfy space from your workspace when working from home so your mind differentiates the two. For this same reason, I never work in my bedroom. I like to walk in my bedroom mentally knowing it’s time to relax. Even the dining room table can be your designated office. Having an “office” allows me a separate space to get things done and when I leave and close the door, I’m done and work is over for the day. Don’t carry that stress into the next room, girlfriend!


Set a schedule of what you want to accomplish during half-hour blocks. No one is perfect, there are tons of things that come up during my day that I can’t control. Meetings that pop-up on my calendar, calls that take 1.5 hours instead of the initial 20 I had planned, etc… but it’s important to set that time and accomplish that task without distractions. For me, I frequently create half-hour blocks where I’ll focus on one thing and nothing else, not even emails that come through.

TO-DO list

I’m a huge list person. I have my work list written down and my at-home list on my iPhone. I use an app called “Summit” that reminds me every morning at 7:30 AM to write down what I want to accomplish (more to come on that one in the next block). & I also write down everything that I was able to complete. There is something about crossing off a checklist and seeing everything I’ve completed to end my day.

Prioritize YOURSELF

Have you ever read The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins? If not, you need it in your life. She speaks about checking emails when you first wake up is a bad addiction and when you do so, you’re prioritizing someone else’s needs before your own. That has always stuck with me! When I first open my eyes after shutting off my alarm, I spend a few minutes writing down what I want to accomplish in the Summit app. Some people spend a few minutes meditating, others write in a gratitude journal. Do what makes sense to YOU but make that extra few minutes for yourself to begin your day. Making a list works for me every morning before I open my texts, email, and social media. This allows me to prioritize what I want before even thinking about anyone else’s needs. Then I’ll begin my morning routine, fill up my water bottle, make tea, and then open my email.

Get out of those jammies!

Maybe put on makeup? You probably think I’m crazy for this one but stick to your morning routine. Opening my eyes at the same time every morning just makes my body feel good. I find that getting ready changes my mindset and lets me know it’s time for work and not the weekend (nowadays it is is hard to distinguish what day it is). There is something about putting those pj’s on at the end of the day, and washing off that second face to let your mind know it’s time to relax. That’s when the wine starts to flow and the “Feelin’ Myself” playlist turns on.

Wake up to a clean house!

This one is so important when working from home. If my space isn’t clean, I’ll spend all morning tidying up which pushes back everything I had planned to do. I notice I feel so much happier starting my day exactly at the time I want to.

Take Breaks

Lastly, take breaks! Please make time for breakfast and lunch! Maybe order some takeout from here? Your body, your eyes, and your mind will thank you. This goes back to prioritizing yourself and your health. My optometrist recommends taking at least 15 minutes away from your computer a few times a day (this one is so tough for me because I’d rather clump that time together to finish work sooner, I get it). Social media breaks don’t count! He says look far away into the distance – so no computer, phone, iPad, etc. Taking walks are best and your pup will probably agree 100% of the time.

Comment below and share what else keeps you motivated while working from home!

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  1. 5.13.20

    I have been working from home since 2007 and these are FANTASTIC suggestions. It is very easy to become distracted at home, and the best remedy is to ensure your office area is away from the main activities of the house.

  2. 5.14.20
    Emi said:

    You have some great ideas! I never understand how people can listen to music with words while they are trying to focus. Also, getting out of my pjs has really helped!

  3. 5.14.20
    Laia said:

    I struggle a lot to keep myself focused now that my boyfriend and I are sharing working space, definitely going to try some of these tips! Thank you for sharing:)

  4. 5.24.20

    I love your suggestions about listening to music with no words. I never actually thought about that. Music with words can be distracting. Great idea!

  5. 5.24.20
    Jennifer said:

    Great ideas, I need to implement a morning routine for sure!

  6. 5.30.20
    Lexi said:

    Great tips on how to work from home! I’ll definitely be trying them out.